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Conscious Horsemanship Clinics


Integrate conscious and intuitive horsemanship into your daily practice with your equine partner. With 24 years horse experience, Laura Myers offers clinics at your facility to work one on one with humans and their horses.

Focusing on foundations and fundamentals, we take a step back and begin with ourselves as horse owners and equestrians. Using tools that will promote relaxation not only in our horses, but ourselves as well. Learn how to immerse into a spiritual side of horsemanship to grow trust between you and your horse in a relaxed and calm atmosphere. Find out how to pay attention to your horse's signs of communication so you can best meet their needs.

Though clinics have some structure, everyone is given a decent amount of time to allow the event to free flow organically to suit each horse and human's needs. Some sessions may be longer and some may be shorter. Horses and humans are never pushed beyond their limits.

There may, or may not be riding involved, which depends on each participant and their horse. Much of these conscious horsemanship clinics involve a lot of ground work. Horses at liberty is preferred much of the time but again, depends on each horse and human and where they are at.

Some activities that may take place during a clinic are:

Breath work
Signs of Communication
Approaching Horses
Positive Reinforcement
Listening Intuitively
Holistic Horse Care
Relaxed Riding

What is needed to host a clinic?

A safe environment for both horse and humans either indoors, or out. Ideally a smaller sized paddock or arena. A stall may also be of use, depending what needs to be focused on.

Quietness, no radio or interruptions by people coming and going who are not part of the clinic. Calmness held by all attending so horses have the ability to focus on their human companions in front of a crowd.

An area either along the fence or viewing room for those not working with their horse to watch. You may want to ask everyone to bring lawn chairs.

For longer clinics it is nice to either offer lunch to attendees, or ask them to bring their own food and drinks. Keep in mind of allergies if you wish to provide food. The clinician does not provide food.

With using positive reinforcement / food reward, the clinician will bring "crunch" and hay cubes. Regular hay may be needed and would be up to the barn owner to provide. Low quality foods are best when using positive reinforcement so horses do not get too excited about the food.

How far will you travel?

I am located in Wallaceburg Ontario, which is in the middle of Sarnia (north) and Chatham (south) with Windsor (south west) and London (north east). This area is doable for me for a day trip but I can travel up to 2 hours away from Wallaceburg in any direction. There may be times I am available in the Collingwood area when I am visiting family as well and could drive within 2 hours of Feversham.

How long are clinics?

That all depends how many people sign up. Once we know how many will be attending, I can figure out how much time to set aside - with extra time given so the day is not rushed by any means. I prefer to not go over 6 hours and if there are more than 3 hours booked there needs to be a space carved for a lunch break.

How much do you charge per person?

Rates begin at $75 per horse + human combo and go up from there depending on how far I am traveling. Please inquire to chat further to get a proper quote. Often times the barn owner/host will trade for their session/ticket price to be free in exchange for hosting, other times they would like a $ cut. Either is fine by me and is open to discussion. Auditors ticket prices to be discussed with the host.

What else do I need to know?

Note that even though I will advertise your clinic as well, if you desire (example if it is not just people attending at your facility and open to others to come), but I expect the host to advertise as well to get bookings.

Payments are to be made in full to book a spot and are made directly to Laura Myers (clinician). Payments are non refundable unless the clinician has to cancel the event, which if that is the case, attendees payments will be returned in full. If an attendee cannot attend the clinic, they may sell their space to someone else.

It is assumed and expected that the barn owner/host will be in clear and honest communication with the clinician for planing the upcoming clinic.

If any horses, or humans are clearly being abused purposely at the clinic, the clinician will pack up and leave without reimbursing any payments. Abuse physically, or verbally is not tolerated to the clinician, to other humans, or to animals on the property. If the clinician feels there is unknowing abuse going on, the clinician will speak up kindly to address the manner. Sometimes we do not realize what we are doing is causing harm and it is not our intention. That can be forgiven. When we know better, we do better. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, even if we do not see eye to eye on everything.

Click the button below to inquire about hosting a clinic at your facility!

I look forward to speaking and hopefully working with you and your beloved equine companions.


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Much love and many blessings

Laura Myers
Reiki Master | Yogi | Horse Woman | Musician | Intuitive Guide
Wallaceburg Ontario Canada

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