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"In riding a horse, we borrow freedom."


Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons are based on kind and ethical horsemanship using a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement offers a reward system for horses when they have done what we have asked, usually gifting a treat, or scratches if the horse enjoys it to let them know they have done what we have asked of them. This encourages horses to want to work with us and not just tolerate our wants. Negative reinforcement creates a slight pressure to ask the horse, for example, to move over. If I gently tapped a person on the shoulder, it doesn't hurt, but it may be a little annoying. Once the horse moves over the pressure is released, as if to say "Yes, that is what I am asking you to do." Both Positive and Negative reinforcement are used at specific times depending on the horse's training and what we are asking of them.

Taking the needed time to care for and bond with our equine partners before and during riding time, riders are guided to spend the needed time with their horses on the ground to assist their partner with relaxation and cultivating a trusted bond.

Believing that "less is more," Intuitive Riding Lessons are often held with a comfortable bareback pad and bitless bridle. Learning to ride without a saddle may be more challenging at first, but it will give the rider better balance and build confidence as rides continue. Bareback also allows the rider to be closer to the horse, becoming further in tune with every movement.

Intuitive Riding Lessons are unique to each horse + rider combo and to each day. Sometimes horses have off days and that needs to be acknowledged and respected. Riders need to understand that sometimes it isn't a good time to ride, depending if t
he horse is able to calm down, or if they seem sick/injured/sore. We must listen to our horses before proceeding with what we would like to ask them to do with us.

Learning is an ongoing process, even after years of riding, there is always more to find out about our equine companions.
Intuitive Riding Lessons are perfect for those looking to deepen their connection with their horse using ethical training methods. When we know better, we do better. With an open heart and open mind we continue to upgrade our Horsemanship and give the best possible to the horses in our lives.

Investment Per 1 Hour Lesson:

Monthly Sign Up:

Travel fee applied beyond 20 minutes from Wallaceburg up to 1 hour away

Beginner lessons/lessons for those without thier own horse are currently not offered. This may change in time, stay tuned!


Consistency is beneficial in lessons, therefore a specific day and time will be assigned to each student, securing one lesson per week. A reminder will be sent to each student/parent, but regardless of reminder sent, or not, a student's spot is held the same time every week.

Clear communication is appreciated and expected by both instructor and student/parent, giving much notice with valid reasoning for cancellations (student/parent/child/horse is ill or injured, broken down vehicle, unsafe driving weather). If cancellation is made less than 24 hours prior to the student's lesson, 50% of the lesson cost must be paid. If frequent cancellations persists, a students' sessions will come to a halt. Please know this is my livelihood and my time. Do not cancel via facebook messenger, or email. Please call to ensure the Instructor gets your message in a timely manner.

Instructor may cancel lessons if the horse is lame/ill, if the weather is unsafe for driving out to the barn, or if the instructor herself is ill or injured, or has a family emergency. Students will be given as much notice possible and a make up lesson will be scheduled if possible. Students will not lose their lesson payment if the Instructor cancels, unless the Instructor travelled to the student wherein the horse was in no condition to be ridden (lame/ill) - the rider/owner of the horse must ensure the horse is in fit condition before the Instructor departs to the lesson.

Welcoming ages 6+.  Students under 18 must be accompanied by a parent.

Students of all ages are required to wear and supply their own equestrian riding helmet.

A liability waiver will be provided for students, with parents signing if under 18.

Payment is due when lessons are booked. Lessons are non refundable. Make up lessons may be scheduled, but in the event they cannot be when the Instructor cancels, students will be refunded the lesson fee.

Policies may change in the future and updates given to students with at least 2 weeks notice before any changes take place (this may include change of lesson times/dates, price increases and other policies).

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Much love and many blessings

Laura Myers
Reiki Master | Yogi | Horse Woman | Musician | Intuitive Guide
Wallaceburg Ontario Canada

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